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Tag archive for employees

gym phone number

Does Your Gym Need a Telephone Number Anymore?

I decided to write this blog after spending 30 minutes trying to find my yoga studio’s phone number. After social media searches turned up nothing, I finally capitulated and sent an email. The next day, I received a chipper response and the requested reservation.  I won’t go into why I needed to call my studio. Like most people, I usually self-select classes and reserve through their online system. A phone call is my last resort. But it got me thinking: Is this just a yoga studio thing or are more gyms and fitness centers opting out of voice-to-voice communication? According [...]


How to Love Managing Gen. Z Employees

At Abb's Muscle & Fitness everyone is younger than the owner. Many of the staff members are Gen Z, individuals born between 1997 and 2012. To manage this young team, owner Abbe Hockaday set aside society's prevailing views and approached them with her own brand of intergenerational acceptance and love. They are the seeds she sows to create an environment that is more ministry than gym. Simply said, this puzzling generation challenges her to think and act at her best. Here are some tips she's discovered to glean the most out of her Gen Z employees. Six simple tools to [...]

Firehall Fitness Charles Hubbell

Digital Keytags Solved One Serious Dilemma for This Destination Gym.

Firehall Fitness, Livingston, Montana Gyms in premier destination locations often struggle to keep and retain staff. Frequently located in the world's most beautiful — and expensive towns — it can be a challenge to staff a fitness center from early morning until evening. Now, Gym Insight's digital keytags provide a simpler, more secure way to run a 24/7-access gym with fewer employees. Since their introduction in 2022, gym owners have used digital key tags to successfully cut members’ unauthorized entries while increasing gym owners’ control over their time and businesses. Now it’s nearly impossible for members to “share” a key [...]


We Chose a Non-Traditional Executive Assistant and Here’s How it Turned Out.

Employee Profile: George Cox, Executive Assistant Former naval officer Lt. George Cox met Gym Insight’s owner after graduating from Liberty University with a Master of Divinity. Lean and ready to find a calling in the civilian world, his modesty almost got in the way of his becoming our Executive Assistant.   Luckily, we can spot talent, even if it’s not looking for us.  Once hired, we quickly discovered his military training equipped him with a skillset both technically adaptable and highly disciplined — an awesome combination for our fast-growing gym software company.  Today, Cox is the rudder that ensures employees are [...]


Inflation-Proof Your Gym Today!

Five steps to sidestep a bad economy. It took 16 cameras and a digital key tag to inflation-proof Scotts Valley Gym in Scotts Valley Calf. After that, it was pure gumption. Today, when rising consumer prices are forcing all of us to make decisions as to how and where we spend our money, gym memberships are often first on the list. So how do you ensure your gym makes the cut? Or, if the economy really sinks, how can you be prepared? Should you raise rates to manage increased costs or decrease overhead? Scotts Valley Gym took the second choice. Originally one of four [...]


Know Your Gym’s Mission Pt. 3

It's not just about what you think the identity of your gym or fitness center should be. It's more than that. It matters what all of the other people think: the employees, contractors and other stakeholders. The way to guide their understanding is by having a clearly stated, present-focused, mission statement. This is another in the set of articles I've been writing about values, vision and your mission. The overarching theme here is getting your business to work as smoothly as possible and for this trifecta to become a shared idea. My exact point here, is to have a statement [...]


Know Your Gym’s Mission

Who Are You? A Foundation of Values You know in your heart why you founded a gym and what you want to achieve with it. But as a small business owner, your success depends on the support, hard work and cooperation of all the people who are part of your organization. Your employees need to know why they are doing their jobs and be able to see a road map to find their way on the journey. Once you start to build your business, you may still be the one in control but your entire organization needs to have an [...]


Part II: Which is better…Personal Trainers and Compensation

On fitness forums, I have seen this question posted quite frequently: Which is better, to hire a personal trainer as an employee or as an independent contractor? In Part I of this series we looked at the very basic options that both gym owners and personal trainers have when hiring and being hired. I received a great response with an overwhelming majority of personal trainers who work as independent contractors. I have yet to receive feedback from gym operators. Regardless, some of the personal trainer responses described their independent contracting experiences as "win-win" both for them and the gyms that [...]


Haven’t Figured Out How to Market Your Gym This Fall?

Here’s a Great Checklist to you get started!  We know designing a seasonal marketing plan can be daunting. It may seem easier to wait until after the holidays to encourage new sales. Don't think like that. Promoting your gym business is like exercise - consistency creates results that lead to great success. The challenge is in overcoming the negative self talk. To help you get started on this onerous task, we've prepared a simple overview of the primary ingredients you'll need to promote your health club this fall. First, what’s it going to be? Paid advertising or a referral campaign? [...]


How to Make Money Owning a 24-hour Gym

Don Roberts’ Fit 24/7 Gym keeps things simple. His gym does not boast a sauna, day care, or exercise classes. Customers know to follow the rules or get kicked out. And his club is open every day, 24 hours a day, frequently without a single employee on premise.  Stripped bare of any extras and run entirely by himself, his 550-member facility in Durango, Colorado, has been profitable — very profitable, he insists — from day one. The key to making money is minimal expenses and 24 hour access. The advantage of 24-hour gyms  In a time when nearly 20 percent of gyms closed permanently [...]


Train Your Gym Staff Like Pros

What if every gym employee approached their job like a salesperson? How would that affect your health club's businessevery day? Would it help or hurt customer retention? Why would you even want to train employees in basic sales techniques? Wouldn't that become annoying? Probably not. See, sales is not just about selling something. It's an attitude. Employees are a core component of any marketing strategy.They reflect the composition of your gym, your target market.They are the face of who you are as a business and you hired them because of their skills, personality, and ability to relate to customers. So [...]


Take Advantage of That Clean Gym!

The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a long shadow on the question of how to maintain a clean and sanitized gym while running a successful, profitable business. The increased vigilance required by staff, the infrastructure investments, the heightened customer awareness coupled with suppressed demand all combine to swell both costs and risks. Today's gym owner walks a fine line between keeping his or her business open and losing it all to an uncertain market. However, for gym owners, their single greatest decision could be to see this pandemic as an opportunity-a chance to grow and change for the better-rather than view [...]


How to Find Natural Leaders Among Your Employees

When you've been "the boss" for a long time, it can be hard to remember what it felt like working for someone else. You get used to making the decisions, holding the power, and choosing the direction in which you want your company to go. When the future of your gym business lies on your shoulders, you feel that weight every single day. Especially now, with COVID-19 fresh in everyone's minds and the futures of independent businesses everywhere hanging in the balance, you're probably feeling the stress of holding everything together. You might feel like you are the glue trying [...]


Managing Your Employees’ Fears After COVID-19

As a gym owner, you have likely been concerned with keeping the fears of your paying members at bay in the post-COVID-19 world. You probably have spent the mandatory lockdown coming up with ways to maneuver your business through the crisis and putting plans in place for your grand reopening strategy once the stay at home orders are lifted. But what about your employees? Many workers are facing huge numbers of uncertainties surrounding their jobs, as well as worrying about their own health and that of their families. Now is the time to plan how you will address your employees' [...]