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Tag archive for encouragement

How to Find Natural Leaders Among Your Employees

When you've been "the boss" for a long time, it can be hard to remember what it felt like working for someone else. You get used to making the decisions, holding the power, and choosing the direction in which you want your company to go. When the future of your gym business lies on your shoulders, you feel that weight every single day. Especially now, with COVID-19 fresh in everyone's minds and the futures of independent businesses everywhere hanging in the balance, you're probably feeling the stress of holding everything together. You might feel like you are the glue trying [...]

Crossfit Group Train Box Jumps

CrossFit Trend Or Fad

It seems like lately I can't help but notice that workout spaces have been popping up with the name CrossFit displayed in bold letters across the front of the building. Gyms that offer this new workout system have been spreading like wildfire. Because it's such a mixed and intense way of working out, CrossFit licensees, or affiliates as the brand calls them, need to be expert at fitness, personal training and injury prevention. It appears to present a huge opportunity for trainers to become owners. However, the question remains: Is it a true fitness trend or is it a fad [...]