digital keytags

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Tag archive for digital keytags

gym growth strategy

Boost April Sales with These Three Gym Growth Strategies

Easter just ended and it feels as if summer is nearly here. The weather is warming and your gym members are planning vacations. Take advantage of this bright season to try something new and build a strong base of loyal clients. Here are three membership-building strategies you can start now. 1.      Market to college students It's a no-brainer gym growth strategy — Every year students return from college to hometowns searching for jobs and things to do. Don’t lose this lucrative market to big box competitors. Build promotions targeted at college students through social media, word-of-mouth, email, and local mailers.  Geo-target [...]

Firehall Fitness Charles Hubbell

Digital Keytags Solved One Serious Dilemma for This Destination Gym.

Firehall Fitness, Livingston, Montana Gyms in premier destination locations often struggle to keep and retain staff. Frequently located in the world's most beautiful — and expensive towns — it can be a challenge to staff a fitness center from early morning until evening. Now, Gym Insight's digital keytags provide a simpler, more secure way to run a 24/7-access gym with fewer employees. Since their introduction in 2022, gym owners have used digital key tags to successfully cut members’ unauthorized entries while increasing gym owners’ control over their time and businesses. Now it’s nearly impossible for members to “share” a key [...]

recession blocks

How to Turn a Recession into a Blessing for Your Gym

As 2023 enters midyear, recession chatter is building. The stock markets are tilting sideways. OPEC just announced a hold on production. Inflation is still high and, for the first time in years, job openings are declining.  What does this mean for your gym? How can you take advantage of an economic downturn? Well, let’s remember three years ago, the world shut down. And despite the 2020 pandemic eliminating thousands of mom-and-pop gyms, your company made it. Many gyms, indeed, thrived once doors reopened.  How did the best gyms survive the COVID shutdown? The owners kept spying opportunities instead of barriers. Lawrence, Gym Insight Here [...]


How Can You Run a Profitable Gym? Listen Up. 

In our latest Gym Owner’s Podcast, “Your Burning Questions Answered,” sales managers Anthony Pasquale and Natalia Schulte cover common questions sent in by gym owners as they struggle to balance customer service and growing a profitable gym. For a full listen, go to our YouTube page at The Gym Owner’s Podcast. Check back often because our sales duo will take on your questions again soon. Q: What do I do about members who don’t want to leave a card on file?  This often happens in gyms that start without software in place. And since many members don’t use the gym after [...]

Natalia Schulte

Who Works for Gym Insight? Introducing Our Employee Profile Blog Series

Welcome to our newest series within our blog. Here we profile employees from throughout our company to both introduce them to you, our valued clients, and spotlight their unique contributions to Gym Insight. We believe each employee offers a special blend of talents that together create the robust set of gym management software tools our fitness club owners enjoy.  Dancing with Natalia Natalia Schulte, our newest sales manager, brings a sprightly enthusiasm to her job with Gym Insight. We’ve asked her to support our Head of Sales, Anthony Pasquale, in our critical mission to grow Gym Insight’s core customer base [...]


Give Yourself the Gift of Great Gym Software This Holiday!

Why Gym Insight is the right gym management software for your fitness center Choosing the right gym management software for your fitness club is probably one of the hardest decisions you’ll make as an owner. Not only is it the track on which your gym runs, but if you need to switch software companies, transferring data can be brain-numbingly difficult. So you want to get it right, if not the first time, at least the second go-around.  As a holiday gift to you and to us, we’d like to express why we believe Gym Insight is just the best possible [...]

commercial real estate gym


This blog was authored and originally published by CARR, a national healthcare commercial real estate firm. It is re-published with permission. Commercial Real Estate As you evaluate different types of commercial real estate leases when considering various properties for your practice, it’s important to understand the details of a “full-service” lease agreement. Full-service leases are one of the simpler commercial real estate lease structures, as well as one of the most predictable, making them a solid choice for many tenants whose circumstances require relatively constant monthly payments without too many surprises (e.g., unforeseen operating or building maintenance costs being charged [...]


Inflation-Proof Your Gym Today!

Five steps to sidestep a bad economy. It took 16 cameras and a digital key tag to inflation-proof Scotts Valley Gym in Scotts Valley Calf. After that, it was pure gumption. Today, when rising consumer prices are forcing all of us to make decisions as to how and where we spend our money, gym memberships are often first on the list. So how do you ensure your gym makes the cut? Or, if the economy really sinks, how can you be prepared? Should you raise rates to manage increased costs or decrease overhead? Scotts Valley Gym took the second choice. Originally one of four [...]


How Digital Keytags Stop Gym Members from Sharing Access to Your Club!

Gym Management  Netflix recently made headlines when it came clean on its subscription sharing problem. Too many users are slipping passwords to friends and family. To rectify this bottom-line problem, they are pivoting to new policies and trying to stem the leak. However, if sharing passwords can make a company the size of Netflix quake, imagine its impact on small, privately held gyms.  For gym owners, the answer to account sharing lies in digital keytags, a QR-embedded phone app nimble enough to save money and build customer loyalty.  Gym Insight’s digital keytags eliminate unauthorized users by providing a dynamic QR code [...]


Digital Keytags — Ready for Our Most Advanced Gym Access System? 

We invite you to test our newest product – digital keytags. If you've ever worried about customers sharing keys or have lost business because you can't get to the club in time, this key is for you. Gym Insight's newly released, app-based digital keytags are equipped with a QR code that can never be copied or shared. At the same time, members enjoy immediate, secure mobile access to your fitness center within minutes of sign-up. How does our digital keytag work? Customers download an app on their mobile phones. Embedded in the app is the digital keytag. Your member simply pulls [...]