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gym membership sales

Maximize Every Opportunity By Sharpening Your Team’s Sales Tactics.

The new year is behind us and gym membership sales are dwindling. As a gym owner, now is the time to make every sales opportunity count by slowing down the process and closely evaluating how effectively your staff handles each prospect. Are they missing sales? Let's figure out why. Four steps to a building sales team. Ask yourself:  1.      How skilled are your salespeople? First off, to discover which sales people might be facing obstacles, dive into your software and pull up sales data. If a particular salesperson is selling the same membership and/or personal training package over and over again, they [...]


How to Sell Gym Memberships: Part IV

Closing the Sale Thus far in our five-part series “How to Sell Gym Memberships,” we’ve shown how refining and polishing your customer interaction can build value in your health club and steer clients away from focusing on price alone. In Part IV, we discuss the most critical step – closing the sale. This  is where your newly gained client knowledge really pays off.  Closing the sale By now in the sales process with Joe New Prospect, you’ve: Established a strong rapport by using his name frequentlyExhibited product knowledge that cements your authority as a fitness expertDetermined goals and how long he’s considered joining a [...]


How to Sell Gym Memberships: Part II

How to Conduct a Proper Tour Selling a gym membership is more than presenting a monthly fee and hoping it fits the customer’s budget. As we discussed in Part I Introduction & Goal Assessment, employees need to make the customer feel comfortable by using their name and asking questions to determine their fitness goals before revealing prices or touring the gym.  In Part II, we go over the essential steps to successfully introducing your gym to a prospect. In terms of the value sales process, this is where you sell both the tangible and intangible benefits of joining your gym, such as [...]


How to Expertly Sell Gym Memberships

Selling gym memberships is the lifeblood of any fitness center. Yet most gym owners don’t think in terms of the sales process, instead leaving the most critical component of their business unscripted and unmanaged.   To help club owners better understand how to train their employees so they can guide clients skillfully, we are running a five-part series that breaks the gym sales process into discrete, manageable training points: Introduction and goal assessment How to conduct a proper tourPrice presentationClosing the saleAsking for (additional) business  Part 1. Introduction and Goal Assessment Introduction: Say My Name It seems elementary, but the first step [...]


Five Secrets to a Great Gym Tour

Don’t lose out on selling a new customer! When a prospect first walks into your health club, they’ve thought about joining for six months. They’re scared and skittish, ready to leap at any chance to say “let me sleep on it,” or even just turn around and leave, while congratulating themselves on their bravery and effort. Don’t let that happen. Here are five secrets to a great gym tour that are sure to increase sales and create clients excited to join your club. 1. Introduce yourself and ask their name. Use it throughout the tour. Memorize it. 2. Slow down. [...]