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Tag archive for tanning

Hidden Features: Four Tools Sure to Make Running Your Club Easier – and More Profitable! 

Welcome to our Hidden Features blog, where we introduce tips and tricks you can use to optimize your Gym Insight software. Simplify gym management with these four powerful software features: 1. Automatically Charge Personal Training and Add-Ons Don’t miss out on recurring revenue. Now Gym Insight lets you create a scheduled payment for an add-on service so you can keep growing this profit-making segment of your gym!  This feature allows you to automate and manage payment for an add-on (punch card) service, such as a series of tanning sessions or personal training. For example, now you can charge an account [...]

A yellow diamond-shaped road sign cautions with "Change Ahead."

In The Gym With The Affordable Care Act

Since I am writing this on tax day, I am reminded of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and what it means for your small business. I want to look at some of the features that will result from the impact on small gym owners, of health coverage and collecting the indoor tanning tax. But First A Disclaimer This is intended to be informational and not to take a stand politically, on one side or the other. Businesses that have employees are going to have to respond and deal with the ACA and some cases of non-compliance may result in penalties. [...]

Road signs pointing to different directions to "who", "what", "when", "where", and "why"

How to Successfully Promote Your Gym with Flyer Campaigns

Flyers and leaflets give you an inexpensive way to promote your gym and attract new members. Whether or not they offer an effective solution is up to you and what you decide to do with them. Not every flyering campaign brings you the reputation that you want or the clients that you need. If your campaign is not done correctly, you might end up running at a loss and dealing with a bunch of agitated residents complaining about the littering. To ensure that your flyering campaign brings you the good exposure and business that you need, you need to ask [...]