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Tag archive for social media

Customer Complaint Graph

How to Handle Gym Member Complaints

When running a fitness center or any other business for the matter, it is only a matter of time till you have to deal with a disappointed or angry customer. This is when you face the challenge of handling the situation in such a way that the customer discovers the best qualities about your gym. If you get lucky, you might even end up earning a lifetime member with several recommendations. Let's see how you can take full control of the situation and turn an upset customer into a loyal member. Controlling Various Forums of Complaints In addition to getting [...]

Illustration of a big, angrey, gorilla peering in a window at 2 executives. One executive sees the gorilla as a marketing opportunity by placing a t-shirt on him with the company's web address.

Email Marketing Essentials for Gyms

If you are a gym owner, then one of the things you may have noticed is that a large number of people who often sign up for memberships do so with great interest, motivation and good intentions. However, due to the unending demands of their professional or personal life, they slowly stop visiting the gym regularly and seemingly may even forget that they even have a gym membership altogether. This member oversight may, very well, have nothing to do with your health club facilities or services. So it is important to remind your members about your gym and why they [...]

Grand Opening Red Ribbon

How to Adequately Prepare Your Fitness Business for a Grand Opening

Fitness facilities generally involve a large amount of investment in the beginning and high maintenance costs throughout. On top of this, keeping up with the competition in terms of technology and training is another expense. Returns come much after this chunk of money is being fueled into the heart and soul of the business. What this implies is that you must have a great start to break-even as soon as possible. Your facility deserves a huge opening so that people know that a lot of effort and money has been put into a project for their benefit. Here are some [...]

Thumbs Up Social Media

How to Drive Members to Socially “Check-in” at Your Health Club

Encourage Your Gym Members Review Your Facility and "Check-in" on Social Media People are very health conscious these days, which has led to a surge in fitness business. This high demand for fitness programs and gym memberships has also led to a large number of businesses cropping up, which have made it necessary that gyms reach out to their members to stay competitive. While traditional means of advertising in the gym business are still effective, they often fall short in comparison to social media, which people access all the time. To make your social media campaign truly work, you need [...]