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Tag archive for gym liabilities

How Digital Keytags Stop Gym Members from Sharing Access to Your Club!

Gym Management  Netflix recently made headlines when it came clean on its subscription sharing problem. Too many users are slipping passwords to friends and family. To rectify this bottom-line problem, they are pivoting to new policies and trying to stem the leak. However, if sharing passwords can make a company the size of Netflix quake, imagine its impact on small, privately held gyms.  For gym owners, the answer to account sharing lies in digital keytags, a QR-embedded phone app nimble enough to save money and build customer loyalty.  Gym Insight’s digital keytags eliminate unauthorized users by providing a dynamic QR code [...]


Exercise Series 5: The Bench Press

Perhaps the most iconic and famous weightlifting move known to beginners and advanced lifters alike, the bench press is another compound movement you will assuredly see members performing in your gym. As with each other movement in the exercise series, knowing the proper form and equipment your gym patrons will need in order to stay safe and healthy puts you ahead of the game in terms of being able to provide a quality experience for your members. Benefits The bench press is known for sculpting fit and strong upper bodies. Chiseled pectoral muscles and bigger arms are the main draws [...]

gym guy posing

Part IV: Which is Better…Costs and Liability Issues.

Recap! I want to do a short recap to this please bear with me. In this continuation of the series, "Which is better...", Part I explores the most basic differences between a personal trainer who is hired as an independent contractor and one who is hired as an employee. Part II explores compensation with both the independent contractor and the employee. Part III explores whether or not gym members have a preference in the hiring status of their personal trainers and whether or not they can even tell the difference. If you have not explored Part III, please do [...]