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Tag archive for demographics

Kage Gym

The Gym Owner’s Newsletter

View in browser "To begin, begin."- William Wordsworth   Cheers to a New Year and Congratulations on another healthy year! Encouraging, supporting, and living the dream of physical fitness for  your clients is an extraordinarily important job and a truth worth recognizing. In this newsletter, we're debuting a brand new section: Science Corner, where you'll discover just how significant regular exercise is in preventing disease; next, we'll catch up on the latest Gym Insight product updates, stop by The Kage Gym where our Gen Z client shows us how to increase business through bussin' social media, and finally pick up [...]


Do You Want to Own Multiple Gyms?

As a gym owner, you’re a natural entrepreneur. Capable of weighing risks and making decisions. Yet, diversifying companies or running multiple gyms is a difficult leap — powering through even one gym can seem insurmountable.  How can you run multiple gyms successfully? To answer this question, we turned to Troy Barnum, who owns two Total Fitness gyms and a successful ATV ecommerce store. He bought his first gym in 2011 after running other ventures. Here’s his key advice. For a full recount of our conversation, go to our “Gym Owners Podcast” 10 Tips for Running Multiple Gyms 1) Expect to work hard. Barnum puts [...]


Gym Businesses Win By Investing In Millennials

The Digital Natives Expect You To Bring Your A-Game There is a simple logic that justifies marketing to Millennials; it is the fact that, being young people, they will be around for years and years to come. So if you can capture the mood and attitude that appeals to them, you have a shot at building relationships with a valuable demographic. Millennials are the offspring of past generations that were subject to sophisticated marketing, even if the media was less advanced. This recent generation has grown up within that context, and they are the first generation that is truly native [...]