
Category archive for "Sales"

running a small business

Small Gym Management: From Pen and Paper to Nightmare to Software

I can't think of one personal trainer, group fitness instructor, or even hardcore recreational gym goer that has not thought about, at one point or another, opening their own training facility. One of the best problems to run into when opening your own gym is the growing pains associated with selling a great product. Obviously, in a situation like this, organization is key to the long term success of the facility. From personal experience, I was on board with a small new private training facility that started experiencing these exact problems. Early on, everything was handled via pen, paper, and [...]


Health Club Sales

Everything I read on fitness blogs and in trade magazines lately keeps following the same B.S. mantra of "differentiate your gym through customer service." While I agree that excellent customer service should always be a cornerstone of any business, all of these bloggers and writers are ignoring the sea change that's happing in the industry. If they follow their own advice, they're going to end up with a small handful of extremely happy members - unfortunately for them, a small group of very happy members won't pay the bills. If I had to predict how to properly position your gym [...]