premium clients

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Tag archive for premium clients

On The High Road To Premium Gym Ownership Success

Giving The Value Might Just Return It At A Premium Obviously I have been writing copious amounts about marketing and premium business models. However, with the potential for value and return on investment (ROI) I think that it's important to cover it as thoroughly as possible. As the saying goes: When you aim for the stars you're not likely to end up with a face full of dirt. If Gym Insight can give you some true value in words you might see that our software is also worth looking at. There are a couple of ways to increase ROI and [...]


Class Calendar Feature Now Available

Gym Insight just released the first version of our class calendar feature! This will be a standard feature to all of our premium clients. The class calendar feature is also included in our free version for all those who register to try out our software! We now also have a website widget tutorial on the "Classes" page to help assist you in getting the calendar displayed on your own website in real time! Don't be shy, try it out for yourself and let us know what you think.

Now Beta Testing Class Calendar Feature

Seeking Beta Testers: We are excited to announce that Gym Insight is now ready to start beta testing our new class scheduling feature. This feature will be free to all our premium clients and has the capability to be displayed directly on YOUR business website! Before we formally launch the product, we do need your help and feedback to perfect it. If you are you are a premium client of ours, just drop us a line, and we will get you started scheduling. How do I get started? All you have to do is let us know that you are [...]