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Tag archive for fitness challenges

Get Ready Now for a Successful Memorial Day Gym Promotion

Let’s talk Memorial Day gym promotions. The national holiday is only five weeks away — what about using it to increase your membership numbers while expressing gratitude for those who’ve given their lives in service to our country?  What is Memorial Day?  Memorial Day is a federal holiday established in 1868 to honor and remember United States personnel who died while in service in the U.S. armed forces during both wartime and peacetime. A commemoration organized in 1865 by formerly enslaved people in Charleston, South Carolina, is the first known recognition of the day, which was frequently called Memorial Day within the [...]


Have Fun in Solving the Membership Retention Riddle!

Every fitness facility, large or small, well-established or just barely opening their doors, is faced with the retention riddle. Health and fitness is a commitment toward a better lifestyle. It requires time, conscious thought, planning, and let’s face it, a lot of hard work and effort! Everyone can agree that hard work and no play is no fun. What causes no fun? Lack of interest! So, at the very least, one can deduce that at least one step towards solving the retention riddle is to incorporate fun at your health club. How do you do fun? Keep your members socially [...]