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Tag archive for bootcamp

Key with "Future" on it

Dissecting Trends In Gym Activities

How do you read the future? All you can do is look at the trends and make an educated guess based on the way things are going now. You have to make some judgment calls as well, because trends can reverse unexpectedly or they can be hidden in mountains of information. Also, trends can fail to pan out and just turn out to be short-term fads. It's really hard to make predictions with any kind of certainty. But you have to try to anticipate what's ahead as a business owner, if only to plan your investments. The more of the [...]

View of muddy runner shoes, standing in the mud

The Pains and Gains of Drills and Skills: Why Gyms & Personal Trainers Should Utilize Outdoor Obstacle Courses

All personal trainers are fully cognizant of the benefits of taking the workout of their clients outdoors. The advantages go much beyond just the fitness objectives. When exercising outdoors, people are benefited by both physiological as well as psychological gains. This fact can be extolled by all fitness instructors in the world. The makeup of outdoor training programs has evolved to such a state that obstacle schedules have become regular affairs now. Clients look forward to fun obstacle races that help them combine their strength and endurance levels. Many have testified that the experience is a rich and an amazing [...]

Cartoon Gym

Unusual & Effective Fitness Equipment

Unusual fitness equipment has its advantages in both attracting new customers to your fitness business and retaining current members. Encouraging New Gym Goers Join Your Gym When new customer walks through your door that has never had a gym membership, emphasize why the variety of your gym equipment is important to their overall fitness regimen. Inform them that gym equipment is scientifically designed to ensure that when you use it, you are actually burning more calories as well as increasing the strength in your muscles. The reason why personal trainers and fitness instructors emphasize the use of the equipment is [...]