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Tag archive for wearables

What are the Hottest Trends in Fitness Clubs and Gym Equipment

Summer 2019 Professional Fitness Equipment Like all of the other trends in the world, the fitness industry is splitting to extremes. On one end, it's all simple things that promote core strength and resistance training. On the other, it's the technology that pushes the envelope. Not to worry, Gym Insight is here to sort the trendy tools from yesterday's devices. Fitness is, after all, a niche in the consumer marketplace. It branches into segments and subdivisions based on demographics and income levels. So, Let's look at those trends or at least, point to authoritative sources about them. Opposing Trends in [...]


Time To Reveal Fitness Industry Trend Insights for 2019

Technology Moves The Needle in 2019 Can you believe it's almost 2019 as I write this? In the traditions of the Gym Insight Blog, that means that it's time to look at the American College of Sports Medicine's Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2019 to mark the holiday cheer. The Top Five Trends Worth Celebrating Wearable technology Group training High-intensity interval training Fitness programming for older adults Body weight training The year promises to be an exciting one as all the pieces slot into place, and clear directions come to light. The survey and other sources agree that fitness [...]


Tying Technologies Together for Better Client Outcomes

Wearables Have Hit The Big Time for 2019 According to Club Industry, one-in-six consumers now use a wearable digital device, such as a smartwatch or fitness tracker. In the valuable 18 to 34 demographic, the trend is even more pronounced, with one-in-three. It's starting to look like there's a critical mass of people out there, for which you can enhance your gym business with the data that they'll help you gather. You can add a new level of experience for your membership with gamification features. In return for the improved experience, you'll get a stream of insights into the workout [...]


Will Wearables Find A New Purpose In The Fitness Club?

The On And Off Wearable Revolution So, things in the realm of wearable technology are moving pretty quickly. Last year I was singing the praises of wearable devices. Then, earlier this year I thought they were going flat. Now, I'm changing my views again because of recent announcements. Everything changed in the time since I decided to write this post and when I actually sat down to compose it it's like a whole new topic. While the wearables category includes everything from connected clothing to sticky medical sensors, it's the new smartwatches that seem to be getting traction so suddenly. [...]