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Tag archive for Taxes

Morgainz Fitness photo

Should I Lease or Buy My First Gym Property? 

This is a question all new gym owners ask themselves. In the last month, we’ve brought you expert answers to many questions about the actual leasing process – conversations to have before signing your gym lease, how to find property, and the details behind specific leases – Triple Net and Full Service Leases. Now it’s time to decide if it is in your best interest to rent a location or buy that real estate.  To explore this topic, we turned to Kelly Morgan, owner of MorGainz Fitness, a four-location Pennsylvania enterprise. Morgan and her husband David leased their first and second gym locations, starting in 2012, [...]


Part I: Which is better…?

Part I: Which is better…? On fitness forums, I have seen this question posted quite frequently: Which is better, to hire a personal trainer as an employee or as an independent contractor?  In the following weeks, I will attempt to explore this question from different topic angles with addressing the very basics. However, I would like to get a more in-depth perspective for my own personal knowledge as a gym owner. I ask for feedback from you, the reader, no matter where you fit in the fitness industry! As a Gym Owner What Type of Personal Trainer is Right for You? [...]

A yellow diamond-shaped road sign cautions with "Change Ahead."

In The Gym With The Affordable Care Act

Since I am writing this on tax day, I am reminded of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and what it means for your small business. I want to look at some of the features that will result from the impact on small gym owners, of health coverage and collecting the indoor tanning tax. But First A Disclaimer This is intended to be informational and not to take a stand politically, on one side or the other. Businesses that have employees are going to have to respond and deal with the ACA and some cases of non-compliance may result in penalties. [...]