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Tag archive for statistics


Get Gym Management Leverage With the 80/20 Rule

As a manager or owner of a small business you never have enough hours in the day to do all of the things that need to be accomplished. Work will pile up rapidly. How do you find a way in to the jungle that demands that you figure out what truly needs most of your attention? Having the right gym management software system does help, but there's also one interesting insight to look out for in the stats. The (Gym) Insight of Vilfredo Pareto Possibly you've heard of the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 Rule. The Italian economist [...]

growing economy industry business growth green power gears

Most Current Fitness Industry Statistics – Part 2

This is part 2 of a multiple part series. Fitness Metrics Revisited It's about time for an update of fitness industry trends once again. Although many of the numbers that I relied on last year are still to be released, there are enough statistics around that I thought i could get an early start. There is a lot of information out there and I don't want to dump it all at once. It's much better to put out chunks of numbers in a controlled way. There is some Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data about employment in the industry to [...]