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Tag archive for seo

Five Tips to Increasing Your Gym Website Rankings through Social Media

Determining how to increase your gym’s website rankings is probably one of the least understood parts of the digital realm we live in today – especially as it relates to social media campaigns. We all know search engines and social media are an important part of building a successful company. Yet, many small businesses, such as privately owned gyms, struggle to put the pieces in place. In this post, we'd like to cover website ranking basics and offer you a few good ideas. Here are some common terms and why they mean something to your business.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — [...]


6 Gym Business Tips To Build Fitness Center SEO Muscle

Boost Your Search Engine Results Page Position A search engine optimization or SEO strategy that gets the highest possible ranking on Google or Bing is one way to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Even a simple presence on the Web is something that you can tweak to resonate with the consumers that you want as members. The Search Engine Journal Website had an excellent post about boosting the search visibility of restaurants; I want to sum that up for gym businesses because what applies there also works in the fitness industry too, but first, a little background. Search Engines [...]

Video Streaming on a Laptop

Marketing Your Gym on YouTube

We can all agree that in today's world, marketing with pictures and video makes a greater statement than with words alone. However, marketing in these realms has become competitive and tricky. Graphic design work for pictures and professional videographers can also be out of the budget for the smaller independent fitness businesses that are just opening their doors. Thus, many business owners in the fitness industry have taken advantage of social media outlets to market, because they are practically free (other than "boosting" your posts on Facebook) and can reach a countless range of people. Although the amount and variety [...]