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Tag archive for paperwork

Cartoon of man running on treadmill during a business meeting with a caption that reads, "If I have to be at these boring meetings I might as well get something out of it."

Keeping Certifications Up To Date

Dirty Work Continued... As a business owner there's a plethora of rules regulations and certifications that you have to navigate through. Of course, on top of that, gym ownership comes with its own specific headaches. When you own a business of any description you quickly find out that there are all kinds of tasks that seem to have been designed to distract you from your purpose and the mission of your enterprise. As always, I try to avoid the controversies and politics of ownership but we all have to deal with them. So, my discussion point here is how to [...]

cubicle head syndrome

Pull Your Head Out of Your Back Office!

Do you want to work in an office cubicle? I didn't think so. I don't either, but if you do, you certainly don't want to be working in a cubicle in the back of a gym. You want to be in a big office somewhere with glass walls, photocopiers, fluorescent lighting and a different necktie for every day of the week. On the other hand, if you want to work at a gym you really don't want to be stuck in a cubicle in the back office. Most people who take up a career running a gym do so with [...]