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Tag archive for kettle bells

Setting Up Your Gym: What "Extras" Should You Provide?

If you are getting your gym ready for opening day, chances are you have already assembled a checklist of equipment you would like to stock. Barbells, dumbbells, benches, racks, cardio machines, and weight machines are all standard fare and will likely be the bread and butter equipment that most of your soon-to-be patrons use. But, why stop there? It's almost always a good idea to have additional workout options, peripheral supplies, and "extras." The more "complete" the user experience when working out at your gym, the more your patrons will feel like their membership is well worth the cost. If [...]

Loaf of Bread and Stick of Butter

Exercising Your Gym Equipment

Gym equipment is the biggest class of capital assets (and possibly of hassles too) you'll have to deal with when you're starting your own gym. Whether you run a small gym or a national franchise location, there are some things that must be addressed with enough quality to make your investment worthwhile. Once you have the equipment in place you need to ensure that it stays in working order for as long as you need it. Gym equipment is the bread and butter of your enterprise. It may be more or less important, depending on the type of gym you [...]