giving back

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Tag archive for giving back

Sponsor A Fundraiser For Local Schools To Help Enrich Your Community

Giving Back To Your Local Community It seems like schools always need help and, as a local business owner, you have the opportunity to help out by sponsoring a fundraiser that helps schools get the exceptional things that make a difference in education. It might be a great opportunity to give back to your local community and to get a little more involved; there's even an argument that, if you can help, it's a responsibility that you shouldn't overlook. At some point, after you have established your business, and you no longer have the worries of the new owner, you [...]

The United States Marine Corps War Memorial depicting the flag raising at Iwo Jima

Health Club Promotions That Give Back

The Memorial Day Weekend is approaching as I write this and I am reminded that those who served our country are among the most deserving of our support. When it comes to charity donations gym and fitness center owners can make a great contribution by including marketing promotions that give back. I have a bias toward giving to veterans' causes and I make no apologies for it. There's a vast amount of need because, as a country, we've been asking so much of so many for so long now. It also troubles me to hear of the delays and shortcomings [...]