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Tag archive for crunch fitness

Pillow Fight in New York

Experience Is Everything

The concept of experience marketing is generating a lot of buzz among business consultants and academic thinkers right now. It encapsulates the emotional and subjective associations that come with using a product or taking part in a service. It is how your members feel about how they get along at your gym. It is all of the subjective associations and emotions they have relating to everything from the hygiene levels to the staff's attitude and the results members get from their workouts. A State Of (The Customer's) Mind As long as members are happy enough to keep coming back, whether [...]

No Judgement - a gavel with an circle around it, crossing it out.

Crunch Fitness Business Model

All Crunch and No Judgment Every once in a while I like to give a shout-out to a company that's doing their own thing in the fitness industry and being rewarded for it with success. Crunch Fitness and their franchisees are a great example of exactly that. They have a business model that is unique and creative. I'm not suggesting that you should run out and get a Crunch Fitness franchise; I'm writing this out of interest and passion for the industry. I have no affiliation with Crunch Fitness or their franchisees. The last review that I posted was for [...]