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Tag archive for clients

Three Good Reasons To Establish Gym Rules

Operating a gym within a set of rules creates structure for both club owners and members. Whether your gym rules are created for safety purposes or just to build a harmonious, fitness-first experience, they are a significant asset to any well run health club.  1.    Gym rules define your club’s culture.  The fact is many gyms do not post or enforce any rules. Recently, I trained as a guest at a national chain. This company has a reputation for indulging power lifters and gym rats. Although I knew this, the facility’s condition shocked me. Heavy weight sets were left on abandoned. [...]


Exercise Series 3: The Overhead Press

Overhead presses are one of the six most popular weightlifting exercises that your gym members will likely want to perform during workouts. As such, it's important that you, as a gym owner, understand what proper form looks like and what equipment your patrons will need to stay safe. Benefits The overhead press movement works the arms, shoulders, upper back, and core muscles. Though you may feel like you're doing a solely upper body exercise, you are using the muscles in your back and abdomen to stabilize the heavy weight overhead, which makes the overhead press an excellent choice of exercise [...]

Personal trainer with clipboard talking to his client

Personal Trainer Prep: 3 Questions a New Client Will Likely Ask You

You'd be forgiven for assuming that each and every professional working in the health and fitness industry today was of the same caliber, but you'd also be very wrong indeed. In reality, the differences can be night and day which for clients and customers can mean the difference between fast results and no results at all. So with this in mind, here are three questions clients are more than likely to ask any prospective personal trainer before they agree to sign up: What Qualifications do You Possess? Qualifications often amount to no more than words on paper, but in this [...]

dumbbell and juice

The Benefits of Organic Juicing with Your Fitness Program

Organic juicing is a great way to consume vegetables and fruits that are needed to improve fitness levels. Generally, an individual must consume about five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Considering that your clients exercise on a regular basis, you can recommend them even more number of servings as their nutritional requirements would be greater. Replenishing the minerals and vitamins regularly after exercise is vital for fitness performance, recovery, and overall health. Organic juices are the ultimate fast food Organic juices have virtually zero fat and a lot of nutrients, which means the digestive system does not take long [...]