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Tag archive for campaigns

10 Cost-Effective Ways to Promote Your Fitness Business

10 Cost-Effective Ways to Promote Your Fitness Business 10 Cost-Effective Ways to Promote Your Fitness Business Marketing your gym is an ongoing process. Placing an advertisement periodically here and there will not be enough for your business to survive. You always have to be proactively thinking about the next promotional idea, slogan, or campaign. There are a handful of ways that are cost efficient and will effectively promote your gym business your within your immediate target area. Here 10 ways to help get you started. 1. Sponsor charities Simply choose a charitable event or charity organization and do short term and [...]

Road signs pointing to different directions to "who", "what", "when", "where", and "why"

How to Successfully Promote Your Gym with Flyer Campaigns

Flyers and leaflets give you an inexpensive way to promote your gym and attract new members. Whether or not they offer an effective solution is up to you and what you decide to do with them. Not every flyering campaign brings you the reputation that you want or the clients that you need. If your campaign is not done correctly, you might end up running at a loss and dealing with a bunch of agitated residents complaining about the littering. To ensure that your flyering campaign brings you the good exposure and business that you need, you need to ask [...]

Gym woman smiling at receiving a text message and looking at her phone

Gently Does It Wins The Race For Gym Text Campaigns

Most people have some sort of mobile device connected to an SMS text-messaging network these days. That creates an opportunity for the enterprising fitness center owner to use text messages as another medium in their marketing strategy, with which to engage with gym members. The question is how does that fit into your marketing and how do you get the most out of it? Is Texting The New Email Marketing? As I've stated before, email marketing is a really powerful tool to increase your fitness center's profitability. Health and fitness are such an important marketing demographic that, as an owner, [...]