How to Sell Gym Memberships: Part IV

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  • How to Sell Gym Memberships: Part IV

Closing the Sale

Thus far in our five-part series “How to Sell Gym Memberships,” we’ve shown how refining and polishing your customer interaction can build value in your health club and steer clients away from focusing on price alone. In Part IV, we discuss the most critical step – closing the sale. This  is where your newly gained client knowledge really pays off. 

Closing the sale

By now in the sales process with Joe New Prospect, you’ve:

  • Established a strong rapport by using his name frequently
  • Exhibited product knowledge that cements your authority as a fitness expert
  • Determined goals and how long he’s considered joining a gym
  • Introduced him to the fitness center and a gym member
  • Discussed how your gym can help him achieve his objectives
  • Shown him membership options and prices

When closing the sale, remember basic sales techniques.

Once the client is holding the Sales Guru© tablet, or price sheet, state some version of “Based on what you’ve told me, this is the membership most people choose. But let me ask, which one do you feel is the best for you?” Remember to speak slowly and clearly. Knowledge and sincerity will lead your client to the finish line. 

And then: BE QUIET and wait for the answer. There’s a saying in sales, “the first person to speak, loses.” Wait for them to tell you what comes next.

“Uh, I need to think about it.” 

Oh, boy. What this really means is, “You’ve not shown me enough value to warrant the investment.” Throughout the tour, you’ve been asking open-ended questions. These types of inquiries reveal personal motivations, histories and influences. This rich repository becomes the building blocks to closing the sale.

However, when overcoming objections, ask closed-ended questions. These elicit yes/no, either/or answers. Imagine a big funnel. You’re slowly narrowing client responses to where they repeatedly and steadily talk themselves into signing with your club. 

Here’s an easy sales script to follow.

Prospect: “I need to think about it.”

Sales representative: “Mr. Customer, you’ve told me {insert goals or objectives here}. Based on this, can you tell me what you need to think about? Is it the upfront investment, the monthly investment, or something else? 

Prospect: “The monthly investment.”

(If cost is the objection, a well-known tactic is to break the financial figure down into its smallest quantities, essentially illustrating its affordability.)

SR: “If you don’t mind my asking, how much is too much for you to get started today?”

Prospect: “I was only planning to spend $30 on my membership. You guys are $40.”

(At this point you’ve found a number: $10 divided by 30 days is .33 cents per day. Now is the time to ask a series of yes/no questions. The ones below are examples only. Ideally, you’ll use material from your earlier conversations.)

SR: “Let me ask you, does our gym have everything needed to reach your goals?”

Prospect: “Yes.”

SR: “Is the fitness center clean enough?”

Prospect: “Yes.”

SR: “Do you feel safe?”

Prospect: “Yes.”

SR: “Just a last question, is there anything else other than .33 cents a day that prevents you from getting started today?”

From here, clients will either agree the gym is a good value, or reassert their commitment to a certain price. For budget-sensitive individuals, it’s handy to have a “drop down” membership. These prices are not on the tablet but available based on certain restrictions, such as hours or days. 

Closing is overcoming objections.

There are a million objections but only a few true reasons, and these almost always boil down to price. Your job as a sales rep is to tease out the true objection and address it specifically. By gathering good information during the tour, you face fewer excuses at the end. They can’t say, “I need to talk to my significant other,” if they’ve already told you it’s their decision alone to make.

If you can’t get to “yes” 

Don’t let them leave your health club without giving them a free pass, or scheduling an orientation with a trainer. If you don’t, studies show there is only a slim chance they’ll be back. 

Health clubs are essentially selling an “intangible.”

Tips on selling services 

Yes, the customer uses your equipment to exercise, but truly, you’re creating an illusion of what could be – a healthy, strong body ready to do whatever is desired.

In selling this idea, there are certain words to avoid. They are not bad words. They just create the wrong image or thought process.

 Avoid using these hot words:

  • Contract
  • Payment
  • Signature
  • Price

Instead, use “agreement,” “autograph,” “investment,” “value.” 

Thanks for reading! Next week, watch for Part V “Asking for Business.” In the meantime, check out our YouTube podcast “Getting back to basics” for more helpful tips on managing your gym.

Gym Insight 

At Gym Insight, our gym membership software provides a clear, transparent picture into your company’s financials, and offers a platform from which to run your business effectively. Our software is built in-house, by fitness club owners. There are no cumbersome third-party plug-ins or complicated protocols, and it’s available for a single, low monthly subscription price — no hidden fees, no links to your payment processor. Call us today for a free demonstration on how we can lower your software management costs and free up time and capital.