Organic Juicing Recipes

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  • Organic Juicing Recipes

A healthy diet comprising or organic foods can go a long way in ensuring your good health. But the truth is that, most of us might not like to eat vegetables in their raw form. Also, making them can be tedious, and something that we cannot spare time on, in the busy lives that most modern day professionals have. A good option to consider would be Organic juices. You can blend a variety of vegetables and fruits to make your juice look and taste delicious, and above all, healthy. Here are a few recipes that can come in handy, and also a few tips on how you can create your own recipes.

A Few Tips

Try as much as possible to find organic fruits and vegetables. They might be available at specialist stores or may be in a different section in the supermarket. Also, organic vegetables are a little more expensive, but they are worth every cent. Do not add any artificial flavoring agents to the juice. It is imperative that you keep the juice as organic as possible.Juicer with fruits and vegetables

Simple Organic Juice Recipes

Apple, Carrot, Beet, and Ginger Juice

Ingredients: Two small, or one large beet, cut into halves or fourths, 5 to 6 carrots, 1 large or 2 small organic apples, small piece of fresh ginger, and half a lemon (optional).

Preparation method: This is a very easy to prepare organic juice. Put all the ingredients into a juicer, one at a time, and blend until all the ingredients are incorporated nicely. You can add lemon while juicing or after pouring the juice into a glass, to deepen the flavor according to your preference.

You can drink this juice every day before going to bed. It helps in cleansing the system.

Green Goodness

Ingredients: 2 small or 1 large Granny Smith apples, 2 celery stalks, 1 bunch spinach, half lemon, 1 cucumber, one fourth of a pineapple, and small piece of ginger.

Preparation method: Add the larger and chunkier ingredients into the juicer one by one. Then add the ginger. Then squeeze the juice of the half lemon, and add it while the juicer is running. Your green goodness is ready to be enjoyed.

NOTE: You can also add a small piece of onion, or a couple of stalks of spring onion to this juice. Some people might not like this taste. So, add this depending on your preference and taste.

The Weight Loss Portion

Ingredients: Cabbage, cucumber, and carrots, the quantities are dependent on the number of glasses of juice you want.

Preparation method: Cut the vegetables into medium sized portions that can fit into your juicer. You can add a little bit of olive oil to emulsify the juice, and season it with salt and pepper according to your taste.

Drink this juice every morning, on an empty stomach for it to be most effective.

Make your Own Recipes

The benefit of organic juices is that you do not have to stick to the set recipes. If you like a certain vegetable, you can combine it with a few other vegetables and fruits, based on the flavor you want your juice to acquire. After a couple of trials, you will get an idea of what the flavor the juice will take, based on the vegetables you add.

Don’t Give Up

Organic juices will not have the taste of your smoothies with artificial flavoring and sugar. But they are healthy and you will acquire a taste for them over a period of time. So, make sure that you do not give up, and try it for a significant duration of time, and then make a judgment on whether it is worth the effort.

What is your favorite juice combination?