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Tag archive for fitness gym

Inventing a Gym Without a Roof

There are plenty of good reasons to coax your health club members outside - autumn weather is perfect, they can benefit from the shot of vitamin D, and their participation supports their favorite gym as it regains footing after the COVID-19 shutdown. Regardless of the motivations, creating this "gym without a roof" concept is an excellent option for every club at this time. These impulsive opportunities to pack in 10 pushups or swing across extra-wide monkey bars build stamina, muscle endurance, strength, and agility - all in a few moments' time. In many ways it's because exercising in the fresh [...]

Cartoon Gym

Gym Personalities: Which One Are You?

There are many different reasons people join a gym. Mostly, members are looking to improve markers of health, wellness, and are just looking to better themselves overall through physical exercise. This post is not about the majority. This post is about those personalities you run into that take their own fitness on with a psychopathic intensity that would make most serial killers stop and say: "Hey, are you ok?" So, this is actually a public service message to get you to look at yourself in the mirror and, via deep self-introspective reflection, ask yourself: "Am I that guy?" 1. The [...]

Fitness Trainers

Fitness Gym Business Networking

I've been on the hunt for fitness gym business resources but I'm having trouble! For anyone out there interested in starting a gym or buying a gym, there just doesn't seem to be much in the way of information. In fact, some of the only information that I can find is related to the 24 hour gym franchise boom. Although I'm sure that each franchisor provides information to their franchisees, where do the rest of us meet to collaborate? When you search for fitness marketing and related promotional types of information, all you seem to find are various programs for [...]