Fitness Feedback Loops That Could Teach Wall Street a Lesson

The Sound of Fitness Club Amplification Feedback loops are weird. Put the front desk mic up a little too close to the speaker just one time, and everybody loses their minds (I swear it was an accident). That characteristic squeal is a feedback loop of amplification that builds on itself quickly to an unbearable screaming limit. In fitness training for clients, you see something similar, but in a good way. It's a much more gradual loop of growing fitness and confidence that translates into confidence and enthusiasm that produces a stronger workout ethic in your clients and better physical results. [...]


Diamonds Are Forever but Club Retention Changes Daily

Glittering Membership Management Performance Indicators If you can do things that keep and reduce change to the minimum your club might just be on the path to finding diamonds. Retention is the key concept of club management. It brings your small gym business dreams to life. That is a constant, but, unless your retention rate is one-hundred percent, it means change is the only constant. Setting Retention to Maximum If you have a limit to your membership management capacity, the longer members stick around, the less you have to invest in recruiting new ones. The difference is like that of [...]


Combine Fitness Brands to Become a Gym Marketing Whirlwind

Personal Branding Revisited This is a follow-up piece to my recent post about Personal Branding for Fitness Entrepreneurs. There's a lot to cover in the topic, as well as about branding in general. Also, once you have it as part of your entrepreneurial mindset, branding is as powerful as a clean and tidy gym in drawing new members through your front door. As a fitness professional and business founder, you should consider that your personal name is an asset worth building, as well as the brand of your gym business company. If some big box fitness brand offers you many [...]


Success Starts at Certification for Fitness Club Founders

Proper Preparation for The Gym Business Getting prepared and qualified to be a fitness club founder is like laying the foundations for a home or a mighty fortress. The better the foundations, the longer the structure (of your fitness business) will last, and the higher you can build. If you've had a long career as a trainer, or been a successful manager for a big box fitness brand for many years, you're probably ready right now. On the other extreme, if you're just out of school or starting from scratch, now's an excellent time to seek a fitness certification or [...]


What are the Hottest Trends in Fitness Clubs and Gym Equipment

Summer 2019 Professional Fitness Equipment Like all of the other trends in the world, the fitness industry is splitting to extremes. On one end, it's all simple things that promote core strength and resistance training. On the other, it's the technology that pushes the envelope. Not to worry, Gym Insight is here to sort the trendy tools from yesterday's devices. Fitness is, after all, a niche in the consumer marketplace. It branches into segments and subdivisions based on demographics and income levels. So, Let's look at those trends or at least, point to authoritative sources about them. Opposing Trends in [...]


Fitness Business Success is All About Measuring Improvements

Management Metrics and Where You Find Them Like fitness programming, gym business management is about setting goals and defining improvements. It's how you measure them that provides the framework to get the work done. You can't know what you've achieved until you've measured it. Whether it's measured in lean body mass, inches of muscle, or maximum deadlift weight, measurement tells you how much progress you've achieved relative to your workout goals. It's the same for business goals. If you want a leaner company, better sales performance, or higher rates of retention, you measure your actions to hit your targets. The [...]


Fitness Business Lessons from Comics and Comedy Clubs

Of Belly Laughs and Leg Lifts I was listening to some comedians talking on a podcast recently. It seems to be a thing in comedy for comics to interview their friends and idols. However, I was struck by the similarities between owning a gym and running a comedy club. The fitness and entertainment professions both appeal to the general public as markets. They each bring in people to participate in some sort of experience. Although, they do it in different ways, perhaps. The Changing Culture of Comedy Lately, comedy clubs are growing in popularity and revenue. The number of would-be [...]


Hack Your Local Business Community for A Competitive Advantage

More Business Hacks for Ambitious New Gym Owners There was a recent report in Club Industry that Kohls, the retailers are partnering with big box chain Planet Fitness. It seems that the shrinking need for bricks-and-mortar store space led to a creative opportunity. That's definitely a "get lemons, make lemonade" solution to the changing retail market. In the fitness industry, creative thinking can be the difference between getting kicked to the curb and pivoting to a new business model. Obviously, in this case, hacking means finding low-cost gym marketing solutions by applying creative thinking. So, why not use some creativity [...]


The Gym Management Software Fitness Club Tools of Insight

Insight was my solution for my own gym management headaches. As a computer science graduate and fitness club owner, I had some options. I didn't hesitate to dive in and write my own code when the business started to get complicated. Great idea, right? Well, it turned into a bigger project than I had expected, which is an understatement! Each solution seemed to reveal new problems, at least in the first version. I'm not going into too much detail because I've covered much of this over the years on the Gym Insight Blog. Multiple Gym Management Tool Sets There's a [...]


Gym Management Software and Fitness Business Basic Economics

Fitness is one of the more efficient industries, in the economic sense. The same is true about gym management software. It's a good thing in that competition leads to better products and services. On the other hand, it goes in the opposite direction as well. Economics drives free markets toward commoditization, which means cheap, bland products. Here at Insight, we recognize that, and we work to deliver a stand-out club management platform that defies the odds. As a gym business owner, so should you. The best strategy for small gym business success is unique offerings that command premium fitness club [...]


Personal Branding for Fitness Club Owners And Entrepreneurs

Make Your Name in The Business As an independent gym or fitness club owner, have you considered your personal brand? I'm not talking about the fitness club brand of the gym that you founded (or plan to start). What I mean is your public name and reputation as an entrepreneur. If you have worked with an executive coach, you may have heard of personal branding. Chief-level executives, ambitious corporate VPs, and high-tech start-up founders often work with a coach. The goal is to enhance your credentials and be more valuable as a leader and public figure. Personal branding opens doors. [...]


Gym Business Owners Face These Urgent Issues Right Now

Gym Management Software And An Inquisitive Mindset I think there is only one way to survive in the fitness industry in the next few years. As a gym business owner, be ready to make changes quickly and often. Be curious about what's around the corner. The changes that are going on around us right now are world-shattering, and you have to keep up to survive. There will be many companies that get lost along the way. Insight gives you the gym management software tools to respond proactively to changes. Of course, other things demand your attention too. But First, The [...]


Gym Business Sales And Some Negotiation Lessons from TV

The Principle of Winning For all of the modern technology in the world, the principles that make the foundations of business are as accurate as they are old. While we designed the Insight Gym Management Software Suite to be a tool that will drive efficiency and profitability, it does so by the fundamentals of business management. One of the most fundamental concepts in business is this: Nothing happens until somebody sells something. Selling is the most fundamental principle in business, and much of everything else follows from it directly. If you can transform the culture of your gym into a [...]


What Is Your Fitness Club Membership Guest Policy?

Policies Policies Policies Have you ever heard about black swans? If not it's because these birds are alien to the Northern Hemisphere. When you think of the graceful birds that inhabit lakes and rivers, you probably think of a magnificent white waterfowl with a long and graceful neck. These dark, red-beaked swans are native to parts of Australia. If you see one in North America, Europe, or other parts of the world, it's likely to have escaped or wandered off after being introduced by humans. Most people don't know that black swans exist until they see one, and not many [...]


7 Small Business Entrepreneur Hacks I Found On The Internet

Leverage These Life Hacks to Produce More Results Technology has brought a whole new style of entrepreneur into existence. Independent trainers, small gym business owners, or even franchisees of big-box chains, like Gold's Gym, can make the most of some of the life hacks that complement the things they already do daily. I've written about some of these tips and tricks on the Gym Insight Blog before, but a few are new. 1. Do Remote Training Sessions with FaceTime or Skype It's the human contact that clients want from their training sessions, as well as fitness, and almost everyone has [...]